Download Eastside Outcast Contemporary High School Reverse Harem Series Dunam Prep Boys Book 3 eBook Lux Carmine Roxie Wilder

By Coleen Talley on Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Download Eastside Outcast Contemporary High School Reverse Harem Series Dunam Prep Boys Book 3 eBook Lux Carmine Roxie Wilder

Product details

  • File Size 2008 KB
  • Print Length 252 pages
  • Publication Date March 22, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Eastside Outcast Contemporary High School Reverse Harem Series Dunam Prep Boys Book 3 eBook Lux Carmine Roxie Wilder Reviews

  • I really do like this series but gracious, I did not see this book coming. I feel like everything just fell apart and then the book ended and I'm sitting here stunned. Hurry up with book four please because my heart can't take all this sadness. The Dunam Prep Boys need their girl.
  • I love this book it was a fast and short read. I wish that it was a little longer and that it had more to it. I would definitely recommend this series to other people but I really wish that it was longer. I pre-ordered it as soon as the author put it up. I can't wait for the next book. Thank you so much.
  • I chugged this book like it was orange soda and I was Kel. I just couldn't put it down! I really like Skylar and her so very teenaged reactions. I'm so excited to see her standing up for her best interests even if it looks like it hurts for a while. I feel like there can be a HEA for these folks in the future! The guys are so clearly trying to figure out emotions, loyalties, and life. Its a very transitional time and the pressure of the events could only make everyone a little crazy! I only wish the guys could be as honest with Skyler as she was with them *cough*DEVIN*cough*. I can't wait for EVIL [VILLAIN] gets her just desserts.
  • I devoured this book as I have really enjoyed this series. This book was filled with high angst to the 10th degree. I was pissed off at all the characters at one point or another for their immaturity via lack off communication for the most part. Then I had to settledown and remind myself that these kids are in high school. The author has captured what she set out to create! I look forward to the next book in this series.
  • I'm all for a great book, but when the entire book is just a narration of hitting rock bottom without any ray of hope? Maybe it's just the bad day I've had that's making the ending but me harder than usual, but now I'm just sad that I don't have the next book out because I need some resolutions. Reverse harems where ALL the issues could be fixed more of less if they just talked to each other ticks me off. That said I like the 3 boys and our main girl and the antagonists make me wanna scream.
  • It is great quick read. I read it in one sitting. I can't wait to read what happens next. The little cliffhanger at the end has me intrigued!
  • This book ended with me needing more. The drama is brought forward so intense that I felt for each and every one . I’m ready for the next .
  • No it can't be left like that your need to hurry up and write the next book I'm emotionally invested in this series and need to know what happens next!!!